
We believe in greening the planet through landscape restoration. By restoring degraded land and making it fertile again, you can turn the tide. An important aspect of this is to involve local communities in projects so that they themselves benefit from them, see the importance of them and therefore participate in greening.

Galápagos Islands - Ecuador
Charles Darwin Foundation
Galapagos National Park
Collaboration fosters biodiversity conservation in natural ecosystems.
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Simalaha - Zambia
Peace Parks Foundation
Simalaha Community Conservancy
Community collaboration enriches nature, sustains livelihoods, ensures 4 returns.
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Southern Africa
Peace Parks Foundation
Herding for Health
Community-driven program promotes nature, prosperity, and holistic conservation.
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Banhine National Park - Mozambique
Peace Parks Foundation
Banhine National Park
Transboundary Conservation Initiative Preserving Biodiversity and Ecosystems for Future Generations.
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Nyika National Park - Malawi
Peace Parks Foundation
Nyika National Park
Preserving high-altitude ecosystems: Supporting vital conservation efforts.
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The Netherlands
Wetlands International
Step Change
Core project catalyzes transformative change in strategic partnerships and communication.
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Guinea Bissau, Tanzania, Indonesia and Philippines
Wetlands International
To Plant or not to Plant
Restore mangroves for climate, biodiversity, and community well-being, globally.
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Zambezi State Forest - Namibia
WWF Namibia
Integrated Conservation Planning Zambezi
Support connected, resilient conservation for people and nature.
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Windhoek - Namibia
WWF Namibia
Community Conservation and Inspiration Hub
Collective Leadership: Orchestrating Change Through Shared Vision and Collaboration.
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Rwanda, Kenia, Nigeria, Malawi
One Acre Fund
Planting trees for Resilience
Farmers' Endurance: Growing Stronger Against Climate Challenges Together.
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The Mpumba Forest Corridor
Connectinglandscapes, restoring biodiversity, and empowering local communities.
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Adelaide Australia
The Nature Conservancy
Restoring Australia's Mangroves
Revitalizing coastal ecosystems, capturing carbon, and safeguarding biodiversity.
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