The Netherlands

Wetlands International

Acceleration Landscape Regeneration

Eyebrow terraces used to collect water and reduce runoff from the watershed of Lake Abijatta 14
Wetlands International and Commonland collaborate on landscape regeneration through the 4 Returns Framework.

Healthy ecosystems are much more than havens for biodiversity. Urgent action at scale is needed to address combined challenges of ecosystem degradation and climate change. Wetlands International and Commonland Foundation have come together to accelerate landscape regeneration by working through the 4 Returns Framework as a common methodology and to create a 4 Returns Finance framework alongside. COmON is the first donor of this unique and promising partnership. Together they envision to accelerate landscape regeneration so that nature and people thrive. 

The 4 Returns Framework for landscape restoration is a practical tested system-change framework used by stakeholders to undertake a landscape approach. It seeks to balance competing stakeholder demands in a mosaic of different management approaches, to supply a full range of natural, social and economic returns. 

This first phase will enable a step change towards achieving scale in landscape restoration, by stimulating learning and synergies among the partners in 6 landscapes and establishing pathways to mobilise others. This collaboration kickstarted in June 2021 with a well-received joint publication at the launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.


Wetlands International

Defenders of wetlands: safeguarding biodiversity, promoting sustainable management, advocating conservation.


Pioneers in transformative restoration through the 4 Returns approach.

Acceleration Landscape Regeneration